A Healthy Colon Equals Naturally Beautiful Skin and An Amazing Complexion

What Does Beautiful Skin and Your Colon Have in Common?

beautiful skin           Everything! While most women deal with some form of constipation and 95% of Americans are fiber deficient, the health of the colon (directly effecting Your complexion) is almost always overlooked. Fix the root of the problem not the fruit! Don’t keep addressing the symptoms (they will keep coming back) as mainstream medicine does. Fix the root of problem and watch gorgeous skin appear.

            How do I achieve a healthy colon?? A healthy colon is directly influenced by moving your bowels daily and having adequate fiber in your diet (your poop should float) and going 1 to 2 times a day (once after each major meal). When you’re constipated, auto-intoxication begins and the toxicity your body is trying to get rid of begins to be reabsorbed back into your bloodstream. Most people have common sense where they easily conclude that auto-intoxicating is not good. The symptoms of auto-intoxication or self-poisoning, will begin showing in symptoms such as headache, lack of energy, acid reflux, abdominal discomfort, indigestion, bloating, acne, dull unattractive skin tone and the list goes on.

            Beautiful skin and a healthy colon have a direct connection. A clean colon will result on a beautiful skin tone and complexion. Do a colon cleanse or colon flush for 3 days. Empty out! The third day slowly start adding an excellent dietary fiber supplement which is best taken 30 minutes before breakfast. Include in your beautiful skin and complexion health plan MORE fresh fruits and fresh vegetables (steamed or raw) on every plate. Exercise daily is another great plus even if its just walking 10 minutes a day. Exercise also helps in moving the bowels and lowering stress, eliminating toxins and better digestion. These are huge pluses to a healthy bowel and constipation relief. If you need more help, find a good constipation relief supplement (don’t use laxatives as they have severe colon destroying side effects). Remember, your goal is to go twice a day and go productively.

            beautiful legsProbiotics or the colon’s friendly bacteria do a multitude of functions you can’t live without. Every time we have had antibiotics we have destroyed the good friendly bacteria in our intestinal tract. The friendly bacteria is a major part of our immune system and we need them desperately. Probiotics to a person with bowel problems is like giving a fireman water to put out the fire. You’ve got to have it. Water is the other MUST. 95% of Americans are dehydrated just like they are fiber deficient. Can you imagine if you improved in these areas today what a turn around it would be for your health, your elimination and your return to beautiful skin and an amazing complexion. EVERYBODY wants beautiful skin! It’s a sign of excellent health!

            In summary, the SECRET to beautiful skin is a beautiful, optimally functioning colon. The bottom line: drink more water (2 quarts minimum), eat more fresh fruits and fresh vegetables (look at your plate! what’s on it?). Exercise, yes, even a simple walk 10 minutes a day, you’ll like how good you feel and do a few minutes more as time goes on. Look Good, Feel good! Add to this beautiful complexion plan a colon cleanse for 2 or 3 days every month. Add an excellent daily fiber supplement and probiotics and you will see glowing skin, sparkling eyes and energy in every step. Today IS the first day of the rest of your life … the day being naturally beautiful happens!

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